
Shiddharth (Sid) Chand, a tenor of New Zealand Fijian-Indian heritage, has quickly emerged as a distinguished figure in the classical music realm. Recently accepted as a Manetti Shrem Opera Program Fellow, he will subsequently perform at Festival Napa Valley, where he will be covering the role of Pedrillo in Mozart's 'Die Entführung auf dem Seräil'. Shiddharth showcased his versatility and artistry with compelling role debuts as Rinuccio in Puccini’s 'Gianni Schicci' under the baton of Curt Pajer and as Miles in Mazzoli’s 'Proving Up' conducted by Steven Osgood.

Demonstrating his commitment to contemporary compositions, Shiddharth premiered Alexander Cowdell's evocative work 'A Place of Quiet' with the Auckland Youth Orchestra, a performance later recorded and published by SOUNZ Aotearoa. He also mesmerized audiences with Benjamin Britten’s ‘Serenade with Horn and Strings’ alongside the NCMA Chamber Orchestra in Nelson, earning acclaim for his "transcendently beautiful" rendition (Nelson Mail).

In the oratorio space, Shiddharth has left an indelible mark with poignant performances as tenor soloist in Bach's 'St. John Passion' with Bach Musica, Handel’s 'Messiah' with Harbour Voices and Pakuranga Choral Society, and Handel’s 'Belshazzar' with Handel Consort and Quire. Notable collaborations include Mozart’s 'Coronation Mass' with the Nelson Choral Society and 'Bach by Candlelight' with the Aotearoa New Zealand Festival of the Arts, where he shared the stage with members of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra.

Shiddharth's remarkable talent has garnered recognition in prestigious competitions, securing the inaugural Auckland Opera Studio Aria Scholarship Competition and earning finalist positions in the Nicholas Tarling Aria Competition and the Lockwood New Zealand Aria Competition, where he was honored with the John Bond Award for Most Promising Voice (18 years and over).

A proud alumnus of the esteemed New Zealand Opera School, Shiddharth is supported by esteemed foundations including the Circle100 Foundation, New Zealand Opera Foundation Trust, and the Dame Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation.

Images: Mazolli “Proving Up” (2024) Matthew Washburn